How to use a Facebook pixel step by step

You will collect data on 2 different events by knowing how to use a Facebook pixel, such as:

1- A selection of 17 default events has been predefined by Facebook.

2- You should plan your own individual events.
An ‘ event ‘ is just an activity a visitor takes on your website, just like making a buy.

How t​o use a Facebook pixel

Standard activities for Facebook pixel

When we talk about the guide of a Facebook pixel we are saying the 17 regular Facebook pixel events that can be copied and Paste the default event code for Facebook is:

Buy: Someone is shopping on your website.

Leadership: Someone signs up for or presents himself as a lead on your website.

Full registration: Somebody fills out an online application form, such as a subscription form for your site.

Add information on the transaction: One enters payment information on your website during the purchase process.

Fill in the cart: Somebody adds an item on your page to your shopping cart.
Fill in the wishlist: Someone will add an item to your wishlist.

Checkout initiation: Someone begins to buy something from your website.

Searching: One searches for something on your website using the search function.

Content view: somebody lands on a particular website page.

Contact: Anyone is in contact with your agency.
Item to customize: One chooses a particular version of an item, such as a colour.

Donate: Anyone gives you a donation.

Find a place: Someone is looking for the physical location of your company.

Hourly schedule: Somebody books your business appointment.

Start trial: Anyone registers to check your product free of charge.

Request: Anyone demands your item, service or software as a credit card.

Subscribe: Somebody subscribes to a paid service or a paid product.

Further data on regular events can also be provided with extra code bits called parameters.

You can customize regular events based on these factors:

  • How useful a conversion event is
  • Exchange rate
  • Form of content or description
  • Contents of Basket

In order to record views from the specific category on your page, you might, for example, use Facebook pixel tracking, all views rather than tracking.
Visiting your pet supplies page, you might want to differentiate dog owners from cat owners.

Special activities for Facebook pixels

In short, you can use custom events instead of regular events, or gather information other than the standard Facebook pixel events.
Specific URL-based URLs or keywords are used in custom events.

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