Jumia website is the best way to earn money

Let’s know about Jumia website like why do you need to join in their affiliate program, how do we earn and how to update details about your payment.

Why do you need to join the Jumia website Affiliate Program?

In short, prior to registering, maybe it would be wise to know what you’re doing or getting.

The Jumia Affiliate Program Here are the reasons for joining:

A variety of products are available to promote so your category won’t miss you.

You have a cookie for 30 days.

So once a client follows your affiliate link,

even when you purchase after 30 days, you may still receive payments.

In commission, you gain up to 11%.

There’s something you can encourage anywhere, on your blog, website, facebook, twitter or Google+.

Any platform where you can share affiliate connections without spamming.

Source: market beat

How do you earn with Jumia website?

With Jumia affiliate, Every time a client buys a product using your affiliate link, a certain proportion is paid in commissions.

There are distinct commissions for each product category.

You will receive separate commissions for distinct product categories.

You have to determine which product category you would like to promote.

Don’t try to promote it all.

As an affiliate marketer, because this is a way to fail.

Select and concentrate on choosing your category.

A number of things depend on the amount of money you make. Including that:

In short, Your traffic on your website or on your blog.

It also depends on how many supporters you have if you use social media.

Commission model for the products you promote.

Because Certain item categories are greater than others than commission prices.

Category of product-There may be high commission products, but clients do not like them.

Not a lot of individuals purchase them.

Some people, however, may have reduced commissions, but sell more and create more commissions.

One recommendation we offer to businesses,

one that you will get from any other expert is to start by promoting low priced products.

In this manner, you can register additional sales and receive a commission.

Once you have to construct your blog brand,

and reputation and your marketing abilities have been strengthened,

then you can begin promoting products at elevated prices.

Make sure you have an Internet site/blog,

or any social media account, facebook, twitter or Google+, before registering.

There should also be a bank account number that is operational.

You’re prepared to begin earning after you register.

Nearly anyway.

You may have to wait to approve your application.

Upon consent, You will now need the affiliate links to begin or share banners and social media on your blog.

However, before doing so, you have to update your payment information in order to obtain payment.

How to update details about your payment

In short, Read the following steps to know that:

1- Click Payment and Payment Details on your affiliate dashboard.
2- Select the country.
3- You can choose M-PESA or Bank Transfer for the technique of payment.
4- Lastly, enter the M-PESA number or the number of a bank account.
5- Click Save Info

Source: business insider

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