SEO Tips to get rid of the late URLs indexed problem

In the recent period everyone is suffering from the late URLs indexed problem. Of course most of the questions that arrived were for new sites less than two months old. So these are important tips to improve the supervision. And make it faster and not neglect anything that we will remember now:

SEO Tips to get rid of the late URLs indexed problem

late URLs indexed problem

  • Speed of the website

A key and important factor for improved URLs indexed. The faster the page loads, the faster bots will get to the page. This depends on the strength of the server, improving the site internally.

  • Many crawl errors

Many will make spiders take a bad idea. It is not wrong and the faults to show errors in the crawl. This is normal because of our ongoing work at the site. But it is shameful to leave these mistakes. Make a 301-page conversion of the 404 error into the main or master pages. If the errors are 5xx you should improve the server.

  • Send an XML map to Webmaster Tools

This step is confirmed by all Google engineers. They have great importance to note during my work, so they affect the ranking of the site in Google. Do not neglect to submit your Sitemap in Search Console.

  • duplicated content will not help in the extension

Writing Evergreen Content is the single most important factor of rapid indexing and exclusive and unique content is your weapon. Which helps you to build a strong and distinguished reputation. And win the confidence of search engines. It also guarantees you access to the top searches and to the first pages of Google.

  • A robots.txt file exists.
  • Building internal links professionally between pages to improve SEO and URLs indexed.
  • Frequent use of social networks (Google Plus, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube).
  • Add your site to the open world directory

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