5 Types of online Business to consumer (B2C)

Let’s know about Business to consumer,

which one type of different types of E-Commerce,

and know also all types of online Business to consumer sales,

in this article on our site E-helper Team.

Business to consumer

The word business to consumer or B2C means the process of selling goods,

and consumer services directly who are their product end users.

Most businesses directly selling to customers can be called B2C firms.

During the dotcom boom of the late nineties,

B2C became extremely popular,

when it was used primarily for online retailers, who were selling goods and internet services for customers.

As a model for the business,

B2C varies from the B2B model to the customer,

that concerns trade between two or more companies.

B2C was traditionally known as mall shopping and restaurants paid films.

The growth of the Internet,

however, established a whole fresh B2C channel in e-commerce form or goods selling and internet-based services.

Although a lot of B2C firms were the victims of the following problem,

bust as the sector’s investment interest decreased and Risk of funding capital has dried up.

Amazon and Priceline are B2C leaders and they have survived from that shock and have seen great success since then.

Any company based on B2C sales shall maintain good customer relations to make sure they come back.

Unlike B2B, The marketing campaigns of which direction to show the importance of a product or service.

5 Types of online Business to Consumer Sales

There are usually five business types for B2C sales, such as:

1- Business to consumer: Sellers Direct

In short, This is the kind of thing most people know they’re the retail sites online where customers are purchasing products.

But department stores with sales of products from alot of people,

and faker can also be internet versions like Zappos and target and Macy’s website.

2- Based on community

In short, This model uses online communities,

based on a common interest to assist advertisers directly,

to site customers to market their products.

It could be a photographers ‘ internet forum,

individuals with diabetes, or for band members.

Facebook is the most famous instance,

which enables marketers to target people’s advertisements,

based on very particular population data.

3- Based on Advertising

In short, This strategy uses large amounts of Internet traffic to sell ads that,

in turn, sell to consumers products or services.

This model uses free content,

that attracts visitors to the site that online ads then meet.

Examples are media outlets,

with no paid components for a subscription,

like the Huffington Post or the Observer.

4- Based on fees

These direct locations pay for accessing their content a subscription fee.

They usually contain publications,

that deliver a restricted quantity of free,

but most of its charges,

such as services of entertainment,

like Hulu or Netflix or the wall street journal.

5- Intermediaries online

In short, These “go-betweens” combined buyers,

and sellers without possessing the product or service.

For example, travel locations, such as Trivago.

Note: Projects that sell directly to consumers should consider,

how your clients aim like shopping and also buying goods like theirs,

exploring different alternatives from B2C,

whether these are in-person opportunities or transactions online.

Source: Business to consumer (Wikipedia)

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