The most differences between Mobile Ads in Amazon and Adamob

Mobile Ads, There was a fierce competition

between Google and Amazon in the product search domain,

So today we will talk about it Ads.

With Amazon making serious Ads inroads into the world,

The competition also reached the segment of Mobile Ads.

With a huge stockpiled of prime advertisers, AdMob

is Google’s own prime mobile ad network.

Amazon Ads also offers Ads solves for in-app

displays to investment games across phones, apps and tablets.

[Source: Amazon]

See Also: AdMob account sign up

Mobile Ads


there were many different between the mobile ads in Amazone and Admob company we will show some of them

Quality advertising in mobile Ads


As a Google product, AdMob does not compromise quality and

displays Ads of high quality.

It supports monetization across platforms like Android,

Windows, and iOS.

In addition, Publishers can customize their text ad units with specific

colours and fonts to maximize visibility and rates to click.

Percentage of income sharing

AdMob has a high ratio of 60:40 revenue sharing.

The publisher shares 60 per cent of the revenue generated

and the remaining 40 per cent of the revenue remains with Google.

On the other hand, We don’t have the Amazon Ads data at the moment.

The minimum requirement for traffic

To become an AdMob publisher, there is no minimum

traffic requirement.

The network on publisher sites does not impose

any language chains.

You need a previously approved AdSense account to become

a publisher in this network.

You also need to publish your app in the Google Play store.

Report on payments and earnings

AdMob also follows a monthly cycle of payment.

The minimum threshold for payment is USD 20.

It supports payment through a number of portals

including ACH, Wire Transfer, and PayPal.

You will receive payment about 30 days after the end of the

calendar month in which the Ad income was earned

in Amazon Ads.

For example, earnings are typically paid at the end

of December for the month of November.

Such as Electronic Funds Transfer or EFT, Wire Transfer,

Check are the available payment methods.

[Source: Google]

List of publishers

Top developers around the world, such as Etermax, Cheetah

Mobile, Backflip Studios and Fingersoft, are using this platform.


AdMob is providing effective services because it lives up to

the standing of being a Google product.

Admob is part of Google Adwords, Which gives them somewhat

different targeting data points, and its interface’s ability to sell.

For more advanced app makers who want their

mobile earnings to be maximized, AdMob also includes

an “AdMob Mediation” tool.

This makes improvement easier.

Amazon Ads, by comparison, is still somewhat of

a future network, one that, of course, shows great promise.

Amazon Ads need to improve on some aspects such as

their low fill rate.

To sum up, Amazon Ads has the potential to

become Google AdMob’s equal competition and the mobile

advertising phase will be interesting and dynamic.

See Also: What is AdMob in AdSense

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