Facebook VS Twitter in social media marketing

Today we will talk about Facebook VS Twitter in social media marketing if you care about that so let’s read this article.

Facebook VS Twitter

Twitter local businesses tend to not work as well because Twitter’s more, global there isn’t much on Twitter where you can tweet with people in your hometown and find them very easily.

At least, if you’re a local business Facebook’s probably going to work for you ok Cory just back me up on that he’s, a Twitter expert he sees the same thing guys so we have dicus on periscope you got local jewelry, parties Twitter might not be the best one for you because when you send out a tweet if I’m in Michigan, and someone’s in California they can’t come to my jewelry party if I’ve got a lawn care business you know what I can’t cut someone’s lawn in California if I’m in Michigan.

So with Twitter, it works better if it’s more national or you know social media marketing, right they don’t have to be in my home town they can be anywhere so Twitter works great for that financial planning as long as it’s not local works great for it Facebook works, better for local businesses because they give you tools to target local people so if you’re local you want to look at Facebook if your national you can do both ok.

So what’re the differences between Facebook and Twitter well obviously Facebook’s a lot bigger than Twitter there three or four times the size of Twitter so just, by jumping on Facebook you’re going to have a chance to get in front of three or four times as many people pretty cool right but it’s not all that easy.

Now Facebook has made it hard very hard to use their platform too many old people Facebook Cory brought up a point.

Facebook made it very hard to start out to just jump on Facebook and without buying ads to start growing a Facebook fan page without bringing something, to the table Facebook’s made that really hard to do guys if you do not want to buy ads look at Twitter you can get started I’m much much faster you can get traction fast around Twitter than you can with Facebook, for free if you want to use Facebook for marketing for free your best shot is going to Facebook private groups, I’ve talked about it a lot they work awesome but you got to work them you’re going to have to put blood sweat and tears to get it to go with facebook nothing wrong with that just warning you up front it’s gonna take work.

Differences between 

Ads of Twitter and Facebook
Twitter and Facebook Ads

Twitter’s ads Facebook’s ad platform is the best in the world I would stick with Facebook ads until you’ve bought every single Facebook ad you bought you can’t buy any more than I would consider moving over to Twitter. Twitter just doesn’t have the ad inventory that Facebook does so you would think you’d get cheaper click rates but you don’t because they just don’t have the amount of inventory.

so for Facebook, we’re going to be looking at ads now for local businesses you can target everybody in your city easily and then they can see your ad for four pennies I mean it’s really inexpensive to advertise on Facebook hey Paul welcome to my scope here we’re talking about some differences between Twitter and Facebook.

so with Facebook yeah it’s an ad play when you start running ads one of the by-products is people start liking your page as people start liking your page you can start growing that page but you can’t do it from scratch it’s going to be way too hard in that case work with Twitter.

How does Twitter work well, Twitter is like a giant cocktail party your main, focus on Twitter is going to be to go on there and meet people just go meet people like, you’re at a cocktail party now if you get on Twitter and you just start tweeting out your links, not going to go real far for you until you spend the time to build up a following and then you’ll see it’ll start getting the traction you want to retweet other people’s stuff you want to engage with people that’s how Twitter works the best so if you’re a local business you want to be on Facebook if your national you can do both doesn’t matter just local avoid Twitter you’re going to be wasting your time on it for the most part.

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Facebook VS Twitter, which is better for your business?

  • Facebook VS Twitter, which one really is going to work for your business, that’s what you need to think about not everybody has the time to be on both networks.

so let me go over some quick pluses and minuses of each Network.

Facebook right well you know it has about 800 million people on it so it has huge benefits.

because of the sheer number of people, the viral nature is incredible people love Facebook because of the viral nature really it’s the wall post when people like your page or the post comments right I show up a lot on your wall your news feed to your friends.

the violent nature of Facebook is incredible you’ve not limited to 140 characters or on Twitter you only have 140 characters to work with and the post that you do have a much longer tail on Facebook you know studies suggest that when you do a wall post that shows up in your friend’s news feed anywhere between 6 to call it 20 24 hours so your fee does not get buried as fast.

So Facebook is very very effective for communicating messages, and engaging your existing fans that’s why I like Twitter personally the best it’s really great at engaging your existing fans it’s a lot harder to build up people but it’s much better just to engage people to know Twitter is great as well.

The differences between Facebook and Twitter well obviously Facebook’s a lot bigger than Twitter there three or four times the size of Twitter so just by jumping on Facebook, you’re going to have a chance to get in front of three or four times as many people pretty cool right but it’s not all that easy.

now Facebook has made it hard very hard to use their platform too many old people Facebook Cory brought up a point I’m going to talk about that is,,

Facebook made it very hard to start out to just jump on Facebook without buying ads to start growing a Facebook fan page without bringing something to the table Facebook’s made that really hard to do guys if you do not want to buy ads look at Twitter you can get started I’m much much faster you can get traction fast around Twitter than you can with Facebook for free if you want to use Facebook for marketing for free your best shot is going to Facebook private groups

I’ve talked about it a lot they work awesome but you got to work them you’re going to have to put in blood sweat and tears to get it to go with facebook nothing wrong with that just warning you up front it’s gonna take work so Facebook’s bigger and realistically.

Twitter VS Facebook in Conversational and location information 

Twitter is much more for conversational like everyday conversation or kind of an informal kind of banter back and forth it’s good for real-time information and feedback Eunos imagine you’re a food truck riding your hair in Santa Monica and the ocean Twitter is a great place for that real-time information Twitter is much easier to set up now Facebook’s a little more cumbersome takes a lot more work than Twitter and Twitter just a lot easier I think to use and maintain.

There are a few search features on Twitter and it’s much easier I think to build an audience on Twitter as well although people would argue that you know that audience on Twitter is a little more finicky and that their attention span is a little bit less so when you do a tweet on Twitter you know it stays there between calling it you know two minutes to one hour at most so we do a tweet your tweet gets buried really really quickly so think about for your business which one is best you want to get out some quick feedback some conversational message or something location information Twitter is great for that if you really want to take a longer-term and the uncreate real loyal following and engage existing customers you know then Facebook is a little bit better.

Also Read: Discover new secret ways to marketing via Twitter(Opens in a new browser tab)

Twitter works better if it’s more national or you know social media marketing, right they don’t have to be in my home town they can be anywhere so Twitter works great for that financial, planning as long as it’s not local works great for it Facebook works better for local businesses because they give you tools to target local people so if you’re local you want to look at Facebook if your national you can do both.

The benefits of Twitter for marketing your business

The benefits of Twitter
Twitter benefits

Twitter is a short message specialized tool that enables you to convey messages (tweets) up to 140 characters in length to individuals who subscribe to you (followers).

Your tweets can incorporate a link to any web content (blog post, site page, PDF document, etc.) or a photo or video. On the off chance that words generally can’t do a picture justice, adding an image to a tweet enormously extends what you can share past the 140-character limit for tweets.

In the social media world, Twitter falls into the classification of microblogging tools in view of the short, detached messages it distributes.

Other microblogging tools incorporate Tumblr, FriendFeed, and Plurk.

Twitter shares a few features with the most widely social media tools (Facebook, Pinterest, Linked In, Google+, and YouTube).

In any case, the distinctions truly define Twitter, So it’s important that you make a social media marketing plan.

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How to use Twitter to market your business?

1- Present Your Brand.

Your Twitter account and profile are the establishment of your Twitter experience. It’s your opportunity to tell your business story to the Twitter community.

It is essential that your Twitter presence have the same look and feel as your other online tools.

This enables individuals to recognize your business and builds trust. Pick an account name and images predictable with your other online presence and your brand.

2- Use Images and Videos.

Photos and videos drive three to four more clicks on Twitter. “Pictures, videos, and other rich media have demonstrated to get more views, clicks, and shares than plain content tweets,” says Marko Muellner, VP, Marketing, ShopIgniter, a social execution advertising stage.
Research demonstrates that rich tweets have fundamentally brought down negative feedback rates as consumers acknowledge intelligence and content designed for their social mobile setting.

3- Start Following People.

When you follow another Twitter user, you subscribe to peruse what they share. So be specific about whom you follow, particularly at first. Your Twitter experience is characterized by whom you follow, not by who follows you. Focus on your following decisions to give yourself an extraordinary Twitter experience.

Twitter can enable you to find people you know by checking your email address book. While you are out following people, you may see that people are beginning to follow you.

4- Use Twitter Analytics.

Use Twitter’s local analytics day by day to get a grip on what’s resounding and what’s not with your audience once you’ve manufactured it. In the analytics dashboard, you’ll have the capacity to advise what your greatest days to tweet are, the sorts of content that are more supported, and the demographics of the followers that you’re attracting.

5- Expand your audience with Hashtags.

A great many people’s Twitter encounter is limited to the general people they follow. It’s dependably a smart idea to continue searching for new, fresh voices to follow to continue growing your online conversation.

Hashtags show up in tweets to identify a typical topic or theme. They utilize the pound (or hash) sign followed by a unique identifier. For example :

#NCAA is the hashtag for the US college sports association.

#FF is the hashtag for Follow Friday, a way to promote people on Twitter.

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The Secret and Powerful Facebook Marketing Tips.

At Facebook Marketing, you know that Facebook uses an algorithm called Edge Rank when it comes to showing people your posts. So if you’ve got 2000 friends and you make a post picture post and they put it on the newsfeed of let’s say 8% of your friends. Let’s say 10%. That’s 200 people. Based on the amount of that group of people, the likes, the comments and the shares that you get will then determine whether or not Facebook shows this to more people. Or just leaves it as is.

So if you have got a post that you’re looking to get more engagement on, more eyeballs, maybe you’re marketing something, maybe you’re trying to get more people to a webinar, maybe you’re selling a product, maybe you’ve got a video you want more eyeballs on. What you want to do is this little tiny secret that I’ve been using that works really really well.

So knowing Facebook’s algorithm and knowing that for every comment you get, for every share that you get, and for every like that you get is kinda like a point system. The more points that you have the more people will see your posts.

You can simply go on any post. Talking about a free webinar that I’m hosting on how to rank videos. And I want more people to see this post. So I have 20 people that have actually liked it, one person shared it and I only have 3 comments.

So what I like to do is to figure out who are the people who have liked it that haven’t commented yet. Alright. This whole group of people is right here. So I went ahead and typed all their names out. What I do is I bring up a note and I simply type all their names out. Okay. And then I think of something to say to them.

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Secrets to market your business with Facebook…

First I’m going to thank them. I also say I really appreciate it and I’m excited to share some really cool strategies. So what I do is, I simply grab this I grab all their names I copy it. And I’m going to comment. By the way, this is actually going to increase my edge rank because even though it’s a comment from me, it’s still a comment. It’s still pointing to the edge rank factor of how many people see your posts. So I’m going to first write Thank You for the Likes, then I’m going to type in all their names, and so you simply go like this. You click on each person’s name and it will actually pop up their name. This one actually popped up that person’s name twice.


So it’s easier to do if you actually go to the bottom of this post to the very end of it. I click on that person’s name. So I want each person to actually see this, there we go, put a comma. I also like to delete the last names of people. It gives more space for you to type stuff in. As in it’s more anonymity.

So I’m going to hit pause and I’m going to show you what to do next. Alright so I finished tagging the first group of people, Thanks for the likes and I’ve got 9 people’s names tagged. I really appreciate it and I’m excited to share some really cool strategies with you on the webinar.

Have an awesome rest of your day. And I simply click on enter. Then I do that one more time. Here’s another reason why I do that. Alright besides giving it another point. Because you’re actually making a comment, I’m also pulling all those people back into my post.

And I’ve yet to see when I’ve done this, I’ve yet to see at least one person not engage with that simple little comment. See right away Michael McCormack clicked on the like button. One of these people that I just tagged is going to comment on something, And it’s going to increase the edge rank of this post, and look I already got 3 likes on that. One two three likes.

So that’s more points for Facebook to show this to more people and more people are going to take a look at this post. And are going to want to sign up for my webinar. Which is right here.

Also, Read Twitter traffic to earn it requires you to avoid nine things

During a current #MarketingMinds visit, members discussed the contrasts between connecting with Facebook contrasted with Twitter. All things considered, on the off chance that we know how engagement contrasts between the two most broadly utilized social media platforms, we know how to adjust our social media strategy to suit

When you’re running Facebook and Twitter advertising efforts for customers in different ventures from the UK to the US and we’ve taken in a couple of things en route. Before you put resources into promoting either, think about the following

Also, Read Twitter traffic to earn it requires you to avoid nine things

Facebook vs Twitter Strategy Differences

Facebook vs Twitter
Facebook vs Twitter

1- Evergreen vs. Real-time content.

There’s a genuine weigh-up between constant substance and auspiciousness, between the two social media channels and we should think about this in our social media strategy. Twitter is regularly thought of as a news outlet because of the ongoing idea of the stage. We tend to see shorter yet more regular posts on Twitter, with clients and brands frequently giving a running editorial on circumstances. Therefore, the life expectancy of engagement with content on Twitter is shorter. For those needing to post evergreen content, consider Facebook as the medium as it is the outlet for ongoing discussions.

2- Knowing the Different Peak Engagement Times.

When fabricating a social media strategy, it’s essential to think about the best ideal time and day to post. As said in a past Meltwater blog, engagement for our own particular target group of onlookers happens under changed circumstances. As indicated by Fannie, Twitter engagement goes up by 30% at the end of the week, with the most improved circumstances being 1 pm-3 pm. For Facebook, we can utilize Meltwater’s Likealyzer.com to break down whether our post timings are effective; here’s a case of Marks and Spencer.

3- Storytelling vs. Short bursts of Information.

Facebook’s boundless character updates make it the ideal channel for brand narrating. Storytelling is essential to bolster our online networking system as our gathering of people will probably purchase in the event that we sustain and play with them all through each phase of the buy channel. We as of late distributed a post on how being a tease is one mystery towards a fruitful social media technique.


Twitter then again is for short blasts of data. Sheena Cox, Key Account Manager at Meltwater clarifies, “While every single social medium substance needs to take advantage of them without a moment’s hesitation, Twitter is the Usain Bolt of web-based social networking channels. 140 characters are the quickest method to get the message out. Though Facebook content tends to keep discussions going for more.” Due to the 140-character confining, we tend to see brands guiding the gathering of people to different destinations instead of concentrating correspondence absolutely on the platform.

4- ‘Real Life Friends’ vs. Connecting with Strangers.

Our Facebook is ordinarily loaded with individuals we’ve met. Regardless of whether it’s an old school companion, a relative, or some individual we met voyaging and made an arrangement to stay in contact with. Twitter, be that as it may, is less about ‘genuine living’ companionships. It’s impeccably typical for clients to connect with strangers. This makes Twitter an incredible platform to fabricate influencer connections. There’s a powerful rundown of reasons why our online networking methodology should plan to associated with industry influencers.

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