Backlinks Advantages and disadvantages

It’s knowing to webmasters from a very long time that linking your site

to a specific site may help improve your site in search results.

Yes, this belief is believing by many of the owners of sites is true without any doubt

and it affects in part and not entirely on the results of your site in the search engines.


Your site’s ranking in Google search results partly depends on which sites you link to. 

The quantity and quality of the links and their relevance to the subject matter affect the ranking you get.

 Sites that link to your site can provide an overview of the main theme of your site,

and can reflect the quality and reputation of your site. 

How Google deals with some backlinks


Google calls random link propagation “link tricks”.

Link schemes are several illegal practices by webmasters to earn more Backlinks.

Any links intended to manipulate the ranking of a site in Google’s search results may be considered part of the link schemes.

This includes any behavior intended to manipulate links to your site. 

Links from your site.

Tapping these links may affect the quality of the search results we serve, thus violating Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

The best way to create backlinks for your site


The best way to create links that are relevant to your site’s theme with other sites

is to create unique and relevant content that can make you famous in the online community.

The more useful your content is, the more likely you are to convince others of how valuable your content is to their users and then link to it.

Before making any individual decisions, you should ask yourself this question:

Would this be useful to my visitors? What matters is not only the number of links to your site,

but also the quality and relevance of these links.

Creating good content has many advantages: The links are usually chosen by choice, and the active blog community may be a good place to attract attention.


I create and develop websites, ues SEO and simple software to create websites and make them cometitive, my goal is to help all the owners sites

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