How to Add Commition Junction(CJ) Affiliate Link To Your WordPress

I am going to walk you through how to create in image , and a text link using your (CJ) Affiliate Link. We are going to create a post that includes the cross back tank and bloomer set for baby , that I found at old baby . So the first thing I do when I want to create a post, is I just go ahead and save the image directly off , from the Old Navy website by desktop .

Learn how to make money from Commision Junction

(CJ) Affiliate Link
(CJ) Affiliate Link


Get The Image’s  From (CJ) Affiliate Link

I prefer to upload images directly to my site versus using the text link , or the image link that I can get from CJ in the affiliate portion, and the reason is because an image link that’s providing by Old Navy will eventually expire , once Old Navy is no longer selling this product , they will purge it from their affiliate interface the problem with that for me as a blogger , is that I don’t want that item to suddenly disappear from my sight .

So go back and update the post perhaps , but if I’m using this image link on my site and CJ deletes , it then my site my blog post is going to have a big empty box in it , where this image once was . so for that reason I save all images and upload them directly to my site that happening , here we’re going to CJ to search for this item so we want to click over to CJ , and we are going to go to links search which is what we run now and then .


(CJ) Affiliate Link
(CJ) Affiliate Link


Looking For Product to get (CJ) Affiliate Link

If you’re looking for a specific slang , but in this case we are looking for a product . So we’re going to search us which that products there we’re going to type in the advertiser , who is Old Navy and the keyword . we’re just going to use bloomer set for baby to see what gets pull up .

Here you see here it’s automatically checked I highly recommend only searching your advertisers , otherwise you are going to get products that are all across CJ , and may have nothing to do with what you want to write about , and it won’t matter because if you’re not in their program , you can’t promote them anyhow .


(CJ) Affiliate Link
(CJ) Affiliate Link



always make sure that button is cut . now as you see here old Navy is selling a lot of baby bloomer sets right now , but we can see this is the one that we were just looking at . so if you click on it you’ll see a lot of different information comes up here , that Old Navy is sharing with you free shipping on $50 the sizing, that’s available condition is obviously new a description all of that good stuff , I normally ignore that for the most part I don’t need it for my post .


(CJ) Affiliate Link
(CJ) Affiliate Link


How To Get HTML Code ?

So what you want to do though is you either want to click on get code , that’s right here or you can click on the little brackets . So when you click on get code a bunch of other information shows up here website , you can choose which website you are going to be posting this information to you .

There are different things here but I don’t use them , you can hide your tracking link , you can set the link to open in a new browser , and you can encrypt the link these basically pertain to , if you’re using HTML code which I don’t use , but I will show you what HTML code is . So you can go here and obviously these are all of your rec options , if you want to use HTML code all you need to do is grab it right there .


(CJ) Affiliate Link
(CJ) Affiliate Link


Adding image Code To Your Post

That’s the image code go to your post and normally it starts on visual, you’re going to want to change it to text , and then just paste in that code and if you go back to visual you see just like that , there  your baby bloomer set the the image of it . you can go right back to CJ and you can also grab the text link copy that, paste that again in the text editor .

Then when you go back to the visual editor , you’ll see you have the image and you have a really awkward line of text , that this is all of the information old baby, would like you to include generally people don’t talk like this . it would be really awkward if you had a blog post full of links that looked like this , so they were that’s one reason that I don’t use HTML links , they’re just long and cumbersome personally I prefer to use click URLs .


(CJ) Affiliate Link
(CJ) Affiliate Link


The Final Step With Addiliate Link

Basically all this is the direct link to the item you want to write about with your affiliate link to attach . So all you have to do is copy that we go back to our post , you can do it in the visual editor add your media , so that’s going to be the bloomer I already uploaded it here that that we want to add to the post . you have your title you want to have more creative alt text in that probably a better title too , but one thing you want to do here when you’re uploading the photo is in attachment display settings , make sure you add your affiliate link here .


(CJ) Affiliate Link
(CJ) Affiliate Link


So we’re going to go ahead and insert that into the post and obviously , there are our boomers for baby if we want to add a text link , then all we do is type out our text add our link , and again the affiliate link and save , That’s all .

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