Let’s know WordPress com and WordPress org difference

WordPress com and WordPress org difference to know using WordPress For beginners, this is probably one of the most common sources of confusion.

When creating your own website, which one should you choose?

Both of them have the same name and are based on the same software piece however there are striking differences as well.

So it will have serious consequences for your site and its future if you choose the wrong one.

E-helper team site wants to help you make the right choice.
In this post, we’ll look at WordPress.org Vs WordPress.com in detail and see the difference between them.

Related: Secrets to Choose the best WordPress web hosting Service

WordPress com and WordPress org

With WordPress.com, It looks after all the hostings for you. You do not have to download any software, payment for hosting or web server management.

With WordPress.org, You are hosting your own website or blog.
You’ll find the free WordPress software on WordPress.org that you can also download it to your own web server and install it.

WordPress.org and WordPress.com both have advantages and disadvantages, depending on your requirements.

Using WordPress ‘ downloaded version from WordPress.org opens your WordPress website with more control and flexibility,
But that also means greater responsibility.

Use of a self-hosted WordPress version means that you can use your own domain name, upload themes and install plugins, edit the code behind your website and access the database or files of your website.

Most of the sites on the WordPress website showcase is WordPress ‘ self-hosted version.

because many of them have unique features or custom design.

WordPress com, If you don’t want to pay for your own hosting,

you can manage your own web server or pay somebody else to do that for you,

You’re likely going to want to use WordPress.com.

It’s free, easy to set up, and there are plenty of options available to customize your site.
Some of the disadvantages of using WordPress.com include Several premium upgrades are available in it,  although it is free to set up.

these premium upgrades include domain name registration.
This happens If in your domain name you don’t want to add this name WordPress.com, also in the capacity to upload videos and if you’d like to use their top topics.
Because By default, your domain will include this name “WordPress.com.” with them, you can’t upload any custom themes either, Plugins or modify your site’s PHP code.

Also Read: Create a squeeze page with WordPress

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