Why use Social media sites as a marketing tool in your plan?

Social media sites are the world’s most global internet revolution. The world’s largest event is the inner world gate to the outside world, which are the most heavily traded people in the last year and since the beginning of the twentieth century. Since there are millions of users on the web.

what are the social media sites ?

Social media sites have emerged since the late 1990s. Since the beginning of the 20th century, a social media site has shown a high level of fame, the American space site, which is a competition on the Facebook scene, has achieved a great fame. Who has recently achieved a ratio of up to 2.5 users Billion users according to the latest statistic in 2014. The Facebook site is the most popular social site and is one of the other social media sites. As we see the increasing users of social sites, this has led to the emergence of so-called e-marketing through social media.

What is e-marketing?

As is clear from the name it is a process by which The Advertiser is promoted and includes all the means and methods practiced over the network with the aim of reaching as much users to publicize the advertiser instead of using the traditional means of newspapers, magazines or audio-visual media.

The world today uses the Internet on a large scale as the user can inquire about the product without having to visit the company’s headquarters. So it’s a corporate business to an electronic marketing company to make paid advertising campaigns.

What is the importance of social media sites in the E-marketing process?

Due to a lot of minds on websites that will have a large number of users and because there are many ways on social media sites it will help to increase the marketing ratio through your newsletter:

  •  Bloggers on Facebook
  • video page through his participation from the YouTube website
  •  Pictures
Social media sites
Social media sites

Show the importance of social media marketing process as it

  • Help to increase the proportion of profits by the arrival of the product to a large number of Internet users.
  • Increase access to your website which you can share with the content.
  • Reducing cost.
  • Using social media sites, there is no need for traditional media such as newspapers and magazines.
  • Your high marketed earns etc and your product.
  • Reach as many consumers as you build social base with consumers and increase communication easy and lets the consumer directly facilitating the understanding of consumer needs.
  • Understanding clients who communicate through dialogues.
  • Providing a better customer service where any client poses a problem on social media will immediately address them and thus quickly meet customer needs.
  • The experience of marketing across social media enables you to constantly increase customer communication and follow you without having to make a lot of effort to get to your headquarters locations to identify which services you are marketing or offering.
  • The importance of having this type of marketing is in places where customers are frequently present. This encourages the promotion of the Advertiser.


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