SEO Tips advises you that WordPress is the best

We find a lot of the big international blogs used by WordPress. And SEO Tips advises you that WordPress is the best. What is the reason for their choice of WordPress? Is it really WordPress is the best? The answer is yes !.

SEO Tips advises you that WordPress is the best

As 79% of webmasters in the world uses WordPress, and this large proportion did not come out of the vacuum. certainly from the compelling and excellent reasons found by the webmasters dealing with WordPress.

SEO Tips advises you that WordPress is the best

1- WordPress is the best for SEO

The first and most important reason is that WordPress SEO is the best in its field for search engines. Where you can download SEO add-ons to facilitate your work and improve your SEO site. These features will not be found on other platforms, but adding one will save you a lot of effort.

2- Free add-ons ready for download

In each addition you download to your site, provide yourself with great work and time. As there are extras we can not imagine any site without them. Without having these additions your site will not work properly 100%. If you choose a platform other than WordPress you have to be a professional in everything. Like:
– Generate maps manually.
– Fix any problem through you.
But in WordPress through the add-on will solve any problem. Such as add RSS fix and protect your site from spam “Akismet”, add to create a sidebar to insert email to collect mailing list, and much more.

3- Webmasters prefer WordPress

Webmasters prefer WordPress

You will know that everyone trusts him and favors him. Where WordPress has proved its efficiency and trustworthy in the last few years. You find a semi-monthly update for WordPress to fix errors, fill security holes, and make interesting and useful additions.

4- Free plus excellent support team

WordPress makes everything easy. When you use WordPress, you’ll find everything easy, uncomplicated, and a WordPress support team will solve any problem you face as quickly as possible. You’ll find experts who point you in the right direction and give you solutions to your problems. You will find a large amount of responses and more than a solution to address the problem,Visual Editor Tab not showing – How i fixed it.

5- Download templates and modify them easily

Since WordPress makes everything easy, you can download more than one template to your site by pressing the button, through Appearance >> Templates >> Add New.

You can also edit the template through the template control panel, and customize any template you want.

Download templates

Imagine if you do not use WordPress, you will upload the template through FTP or CPANEL, and this is difficult for novices, not much proficiency, and if you want to modify the template, can you modify the files STYLE and CSS? Unless you are a design expert.

6- Include sharing buttons for social media sites

Social media has become an inseparable part of any content marketing process. With simple additions you can put these buttons where you want on your page, and control them, without any programming or design, and all the additions are free. I will tell you the most important of these additions. Floating Social Media Icon – Mashshare Share Buttons – Social Crowd.

7- Wordpress is a mobile-friendly

Great reason to make you feel happy to save money and effort to design a mobile-friendly template, or to request design from a designer for a fee. When you use WordPress you will forget the mobile-friendly, and your site will be friendly with all devices automatically.

8- Easy control of everything

With WordPress you can easily control your site and manage it professionally without forgetting anything, and controlling your account and the beautiful text editor. Multimedia is also supported with all kinds of images, videos and slides.

WordPress Message for Everyone “You do not have to be a professional until you have a website”

I create and develop websites, ues SEO and simple software to create websites and make them cometitive, my goal is to help all the owners sites

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