What is a Contextual Link? to answer this question just read this article then know its benefits and the ways to create a good structure for linking.
Our site: E-Helper team want to be more familiar about this field to achieve the highest utilization and also success.
What is a Contextual Link?
A Contextual Link is a clickable piece of text usually a keyword in a paragraph’s body It contains similar context or ideas.
These may be natural or artificial links.
If they are natural, this means that they voluntarily link to another website.
If they’re artificial, that means they’ve been posted manually.
An artificial example is when a link back to your website/blog is posted by one of your guests.
If used correctly, Contextual links can help you increase your SEO scores, making search engines more popular and more credible, and increase the search results ranking of your pages.
A Contextual Link benefits
1- In SEO
A- Contextual links are deep links from your website’s content and that content is the core of the website’s uniqueness, therefore, giving optimal page power to linked links from that section.
B- Linking with authoritative, well-recognized external resources such as Wikipedia that enhance the credibility of your search engine content.
C- Contextual links lead to lower rates of bounce.
2- For User
A- Links at appropriate locations in content build user interest to explore linked pages and you’re also careful enough to guide the user to the right place.
B- In-content links are a way to provide your reader with more quality information, which should be your top advantage at all times.
C- More recognition will add to your site’s traffic.
As a result, traffic increases will lead to higher sales.
How to create a good structure for linking?
A- Use the keywords of prime as anchor text.
Your anchor text should mainly consist of keywords.
So these assists search engines comprehend the relevance of the linked page, and the next time a relevant query is performed, the page can also be ranked.
B- Use Natural contextual links.
Keep it natural because you shouldn’t look like it is compulsion into the content.
C- Use phrases descriptive.
Use descriptive sentences, essentially long tail phrases that naturally contain your keywords.