How to speed up your website ? Part 1

To know how to speed up your website, we will give you a series of articles to explain that, this is the first article and we will start with the first 2 steps.

How to speed up your website?

Are you ever think it’s not important to accelerate your website?

If your answer was yes, so you are not in a true way.
Because a one-second load time delay returns to as following:

1- Pageviews are fewer 11%.

2- A few more seconds could have an enormous effect on your visitor involvement and sales capacity.

3- 16% reduction in satisfaction with customers.

4- In conversion loss of 7 per cent.

So it is essential to have a fast site, not only for a good Google ranking but to maintain high profits in your bottom-line.

How the optimisation of the site affects conversions?

Conversions kill slow speeds.

47% of consumers expect that websites will be loaded in two seconds and a page that takes 3 or more seconds takes 40 per cent to leave.

So if it takes more than three seconds when your site to load.

Before they even get to your site, you will lose nearly half of your visitors.

That alone is a big blow to your conversions.

And for the guests who choose to stay, your slow load times make them don’t come back in future.

This implies that you can take a series of steps to enhance page velocity, we’re going to look at 2, before starting to fix the trouble, enhance the efficiency of the website, something you need to strive for.

1- How to speeds up the website by reducing demands to HTTP

In short, To know how to speeds up the website by following this way, just complete reading:

Yahoo states that 80% of the load moment on a website takes the various pieces of the page downloaded, such as pictures, scripts and stylesheets.

Each of these elements has an HTTP request so that the longer it takes the page to render the more on-page component it is used.

The first step to minimizing your demands is to see how much your site does, use as a reference point.

Using Google Chrome, to see how many HTTP requests your site makes, use the Browser Developer Tools.

Just right-click and press on the “Inspect” page you want to scan, click on the tab “Network”.

Note: If the “Network” tab is not seen, please drag the left boundary to the left to expand the developer Tools sidebar.

How to speed up your website
How to speed up your website

All the files on that page are in the “Name” column, the column “Size” displays the file’s size,

and The column “Time” indicates how much time each file takes to load.

In the left corner below, all number requests which site makes will saw.

Reducing this amount of applications accelerates your site, check your documents and see whether any of them are superfluous.

You can not immediately notice anything, but it is probable that some of them will be primary combining candidates.

2- How to speed up your website by reducing and mix files

In short, now you understand how much your website requests, this amount can be reduced you can work on.

Your HTML, CSS and JavaScript files are your best location to start.

These files are highly essential, determining the appearance of your website.

In addition, you contribute to every moment a customer visits your website.

This number can be reduced by “minifying” and combining your files.

This decreases every file’s size, the complete amount of files as well.

This is particularly important when you use a templated builder website.

This simplifies the construction of a website, but sometimes they generate chaotic code which can significantly slow down your site.

To reduce a file, it takes unnecessary formatting, whitespace, and code to be removed.

Since any unnecessary code piece adds page size,

you must remove additional spaces, line breaks and indentation.

This makes it as lean as possible for your websites.

It’s precisely what combining files sounds like.

You can merge several CSS and JavaScript files with one site.

There are various methods to decrease and combine files, and if your WordPress site is running, it’s quite easy to run plugins like WP Rocket.

If you installed this plugin,

Go to the “Static Files” section and search for and add the files that you want to minify.

How to speed up your website
How to speed up your website

These may contain HTML, CSS, JavaScript and also Google Fonts files.

To finish the process, click “Save Changes.”

You can load your website again and view Developer Tools to see how your changes have affected you.

The learner is better when it comes to your website.
When the fewer items on one page, a browser’s fewer HTTP requests to make the rendering page, and also it’s going to load faster.

Source: Steve Souders

I am a content writer and editor who has written articles for digital marketing, Hosting Tutorials, SEO Tutorials and Mobile App. I worked in this field for a long time so I have a good experience in that field.

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