What is ads.txt file ? Here you will find the answer

What is ads.txt file?

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What is ads.txt file?

In short, The ads.txt file or project’s task is easy and it uses to increase, in the ecosystem of programmatic advertising.

For Authorized Digital Sellers,

Ads.txt stands and is an easy, flexible and safe technique,

Publishers and retailers can use it to declare companies publicly which they allow their digital inventory to be sold.

By establishing an Authorized Digital Sellers public record,

Ads.txt will make the inventory supply chain more transparent, provide publishers with control over their market stock, and making it more difficult for bad performers to benefit from selling fake stocking.

Because ads.txt adopt by publishers, buyers can recognize Authorized Digital Sellers more readily for the publisher, and allowing brands to purchase genuine publisher inventory with confidence.

Ads.txt promotes transparent digital media transactions in programming.

It can eliminate the economic financial reward from the sale of counterfeit media.

In contrast with robots.txt, Only the publisher’s webmaster, ads.txt can post to a domain, make it true and valid.

As a file for text, You can update ads.txt easily, and also making it flexible.

The data needed to fill the file can be found in the OpenRTB protocol, making gathering and targeting easy.


In short, Because publishers are selling their stock various channels of sales,

So Ads.txt promotes provider relationships of the following kinds, such as:

– Domain owners who sell through their own accounts on the exchange.

– Partnerships for content syndication where a lot of licensed sellers have the same inventory.

– Networks and house of sale who programmatically sell on behalf of domain owners.

Source: Ads.txt (Wikipedia)

Alaa Mostafa

I am a content writer and editor who has written articles for digital marketing, Hosting Tutorials, SEO Tutorials and Mobile App. I worked in this field for a long time so I have a good experience in that field.

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