Explain how to buy HostPapa Starter Plan by photo

Explain how to buy HostPapa Starter Plan by photo

HostPapa is a hosting company that offers the best hosting sites through the hosting of servers shared VPS and Reseller and shared hosting through which offers 3 plans and features the first step Starter Plan register domain free and control panel Cnal and unlimited traffic and support PHP 5 and hosting 2 sites and support web hosting WordPress and is one of the cheapest hosting companies in terms of cost and to know all the characteristics of the first plan Add

 explanation of the photos for the process of booking the initial step in the hosting company HostPapa 

1- Click here to enter the HostPapa website
2 – After you enter the Host Host, click on GET STARTED

3- Press the SELECT button below STARTER


4-If you want to register a new domain for free, choose I need a domain name.
Option 2 – If you already have a domain, add your site. I already have a domain


5 – Confirm or change the plan and duration of the suit you have chosen

confirm a plan

6 – You will be provided Host Host Baba paid services to take advantage of them to mark the correct inside the box in front of the service if you do not want to benefit from those services paid Delete the check mark located within the boxes

7-  Add your data and then choose the appropriate payment method for you by credit card or PayPal and in the case of payment by the credit card Add the card information as the following and then put a check in the box to agree to the terms and the agreement and to complete the process Payment and Reservation Click on Continue Creat Account

account information
account information

8 – You will receive a message on your e – mail by your data hosting on your initial plan hosted HostPapa

Congratulations We have booked and created an account hosting you at HostPapa Host

Click here to book your hosting on HostPapa Host

all you want to know about HostPapa in this video

I am a content writer and editor who has written articles for digital marketing, Hosting Tutorials, SEO Tutorials and Mobile App. I worked in this field for a long time so I have a good experience in that field.

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