Buying Web Hosting can be your first online investment if you are planning to start a blog or a site or an online business. Also if you have a website or a blog having a Web Hosing is important. You should know that it is important to host your blog or website on a reliable, and an effective host. Furthermore if you are new in blogging or have a website it will be important to know one thing. This thing is to put in your considerations the financial backing. Here we are talking about the important tips to save money on Web Hosting.

Seven important top tips to save money on Web Hosting.
1- Buying Hosting for a Long Period
Many web hosts don’t have the discount on renewal. For example if you buy hosting from Web Hosting company you will get discount for one year. After one year you need to make a renewal for your web host. In a Web Hosting company like Hostgator you will find that. But if you buy hosting for a long time, you will get a huge discount on total purchase. Thus you can save your money.
2- Usage of free host
Free host is a good choice for your website. This if your website is new and gets less traffic. Also there are many free Web Hosting services that are available. Be sure to back up your database before choosing any free Web Hosting. You can use the free host instead of those paid ones. Also you can take the advantage of these free hosting service providers.
3- Finding the promotional codes
In using Coupon Code or Promotional Links you can save money. Before you sign up in the Web Hosting account, be sure that they have coupons for new customers. Coupon codes can help you to save money on Web Hosting. Also you can become an affiliate. It is possible through joining web hosting affiliate programs. You can ask your friends or someone to buy hosting. It is by using your affiliate link.
4- Reducing the usage of Extra Services
Hosting companies have some extra services. Also they are with their packages like SEO, Backup, and Sitelock. These services are not free. If you want to save money, you should reduce using these services. You can use them later if needed.
5- Usage of referral bonus
The hosting provider has a referral bonus system. Also you will have free bonuses when your friends join the host. This will happen by using your referral link. You can put an affiliate banner on your website to get more referrals. Furthermore You can use social media to refer people to your host. It is a very good way to save your money on Web Hosting.
6- Starting with Shared Hosting plan
You should start with Shared Hosting plan as a good thing. Also it is one of the most popular and less expensive Web Hosting plan. It is a good choice in case of starting a new site or blog. Your new website does not have a lot of traffic. so you do not need to have a huge space on your server.
7- Buying domain name
You can buy domain name if you do not have one. Many Web Hosting companies offer a free domain name. That with their hosting for one year. You can go with that domain name If their renewal price is low.
Through following these important tips you can save your money on web hosting.
Seven basic factors to consider in choosing a web hosting provider