Let's know some general information about HTML history - E Helper Team

Let’s know some general information about HTML history

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Here we will help you to know some general information about HTML history because Html use is necessary especially if you have a website.

HTML stands for the language of the hypertext markup.
It enables users to create and structure sections, links, headings, paragraphs, and also blockquotes for applications and web pages here HTML work as sitemap generator.
HTML is not a language of programming, because of that, it’s not capable of creating dynamic functionality.

Rather, it allows documents to be organized and formatted, like Microsoft Word.
If you work with HTML, We use simple structures of code such as tags and attributes to mark the page of the website.
For instance, we can create a paragraph,

Place the enclosed text in the start < p > tag and close < /p > tag.
In summary, HTML is a language markup that is very simple and easy to learn.

Even for beginners in the construction of websites.

Here’s what E Helper Team will tell you to learn that by reading this article:

Also Read: what is a sitemap for a website

What is HTML history?

Tim Berners-Lee who invented the HTML, He came up with the idea of a hypertext system based on the internet and he is a physicist at Switzerland’s CERN Research Institute.
Hypertext is a text containing references to other texts that viewers can immediately access it.
In 1991, he published the first HTML version includes 18 HTML tags.
Every new version of the HTML language has since been added to the markup with new tags and attributes.
There are currently 140 HTML tags available, Although some of them are not supported by modern browsers that mean is already outdated. [Source: HTML Element]

Because of a rapid increase in popularity, HTML is now considered a standard official on the web.
The World Wide Web Consortium maintains and develops the HTML specifications.
You can check the latest language status at any time on the website of W3C.
The largest language upgrade in 2014 was the introduction of HTML5.
It added to the markup several new semantic tags, that reveals their own content’s meaning, such as <article>, <header>, and <footer>.

Also Read: Short Tips on 3 Website Map Templates

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